Hakatai tile was used in this year's 6th grade mosaic project at Islander Middle School in Washington. 350 students worked together to create 6 mosaic pillars in their school. The theme was "IMS Reads!" and each of the pillars included books related to a particular genre.
"This enrichment project is part of the 6th grade Language Arts/Social Studies curriculum that focuses on Ancient Cultures. Beautiful mosaic art left behind in many ancient cultures gives us a glimpse of life long ago. Creating mosaics gives the students a hands-on opportunity to be an artisan and leave behind a lasting legacy for the class of 2016," explains Artist-in-residence Sandy Glass. "Teachers and the librarian helped students pick books within various genres. Students created their mosaic art on mosaic mesh. Parent volunteers provided extra hands in the classroom and a dedicated team of parents and a few community members installed, grouted and sealed the mosaic pillars."
Thank you to Sandy for the photos!